Friday, June 27, 2008

Thing 7:

After reading about and exploring all the areas of Google listed, I decided to look closer at Google Earth. I can use this with students are we are talking about music history and it will bring to life the areas discussed. We can compare ancient times to present and make this more interesting.
The second place I spent more time was in the Advanced Search site. I enjoy using power points and information on the web when discussing music histroy with students. This sight showed the world of information already available and many interesting power points already created. This will be useful in day to day teaching.
Doesn't this just make you want to be there?

Thing 6:

Today I have learned about mashes and enjoyed looking at the various sites. I can see where this will make presentations more exciting and enriching.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thing #5

I had fun in with this. It was interesting viewing all the pictures and I can see where it could be useful in enhancing projects with students

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thing #4

I am now registered.
Thing #3

I have created this blog and hope to have fun posting my thoughts. The avatar was fun to create and a little frustrating to export until I reread the directions. It always helps to read.
Thing #2

I love the fact that we will be sharing with "life long" learners. This is really what teaching is all about. The easiest of the "7 Habits" or two easiest, #1-to begin with the end in mind. This is how I do so many things. #2-we are all showing that we try to accept responsibility for our own learning. Teachers are always looking for as many ways as possible to do this. Workshops, books, activities--these things abound in our day to day planning. For me, #6-using technology, is the most uncomfortable. That is my main purpose for these "things."
Thing #1

Ok, here goes. We are all on this journey together so let's have fun.

Monday, June 9, 2008


I am through this step and hope I have done is right.