Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thing 23:

I did the survey but when I submitted the vote I got an "error" notice twice. I tried.

My favorite discoveries:, Teachertube, and Rollyo. I had seen teachertube when others had sent videos, but never had spent time thinking about how I could use it in my teaching. Yelp and Rollyo were new to me.

Life long learning goals: This has shown me how important it is that I try my best to stay current with technology trends. I feel as though after 27 years of teaching I am a strong teacher but technology is definitely my weak area.

Unexpected: Wikipedia. I had heard my older children talk about wikis but had never researched how valuable they could be. I think this is an area that could be so useful to students and educators alike, but there needs to be monitors in place someway.

For me, it would be helpful to have a couple of face to face meetings to preview some of the activities--podcasts, vidicasts etc. After I have seen someone do them, it is usually much easier to follow the directions online. I know everyone does not need this, but it sounds as though some do. Two or three 30 min. sessions would be enough.

If another discovery course was set up I would most definitely participate--limitations and all. I learned so much through doing this even if my "products" weren't as sophisticated as some.

Arriving on the technology scene so late, I have always felt challenged. This has been a wonderful opportunity for me to explore and learn so many new things and rethink my technology goals. I will definitely set the mark higher.


VWB said...

Congratulations on reaching your summer goal. Looking forward to seeing some of your results next school year.

Mamalibearian said...

Just remember your librarian... She can help with the things you are unsure of.
Congratulations on finishing! Can't wait to hear how things go in school next year!